St. Joseph’s Institute of Management (JIM)

St. Joseph’s Institute of Management (JIM)

Initiatives on teaching and learning

Initiatives on teaching and learning

Faculty Initiatives on Teaching and Learning

The curriculum is restructured bi annually taking into consideration the needs of the students and the demands of the changing business environment. Experienced professionals from industry and academia have been involved in the syllabus restructuring process. The curriculum lays its emphasis on building a sound personality, enhancing personal and professional competencies and sound knowledge about the industry and genuine concern for the society through ethical approaches. The unique feature of this curriculum is that it has introduced new core courses and one credit courses to be conducted as workshops. Each course plan contains course objectives, credits, sessions, and contents, teaching methodology, assurance of learning and methods of assessment.


In the first year, the students are trained to sharpen their skills and get well introduced and grounded in all core areas of management education, also equipped with the skills and tools necessary to improve their confidence and communication. The second year of the course places emphasis on specialization in functional areas of management such as Finance, Marketing, Human Resource, Systems and Supply Chain Management. By choosing any two of the four electives offered, a student would specialize in two functional areas.  Some of the unique courses that JIM offers are personal growth lab, Skills for Management Education and Communicative Competence. All the students are introduced to the business analytics in their specific areas.


Learning goals are set for every course and we have put in place a mechanism to measure how the assurances are fulfilled. Students are motivated to develop critical thinking and problem solving. An emphasis is placed on looking at concepts globally and analyse the impact of business decisions internationally. The tests, quizzes, seminars and live-projects, case study and so on aim at helping students develop skills that are essential to be successful management professionals.


The students are exposed to new ways of learning such as case-based learning, collaborative and team learning, web-based learning, making presentations, group learning. Exposure, observational learning, project-based learning, students self-learning presentations are integral part of learning at JIM. The field of learning is not necessarily classroom but streets, markets, malls, organisations, CEO meetings, interaction with the Industry bodies such as CII, NSE. Special workshops and short courses are conducted to train students in areas that are not directly covered in lectures in classrooms. Learning materials and cases are uploaded in the intranet/internet and students submit their assignment through intra and internet. Regular interaction with industry experts, CEOs and management consultants enable the students to have hands on experience.


The evaluation of the students is both Formative (continuous internal assessment) and Summative (semester examinations) with equal weightage. For formative the student's participation in classroom lectures, assignments, role-plays, case studies, presentation, business quizzes, field visits, short tests are considered. Semester examination is in the form of written examination and group mini project at the end of each semester. Assessment is seen as part of the learning process.


Name of the Program:Learning Academy

Faculty Involved: Ms. Sahaya Restina James

The primary objective of Learning Academy is to enhance confidence among the students and also speak fluently in English. This program provides a wonderful platform for the students to enhance their skills such as; Leadership, Organizing, Team Building, Time Management, Advanced Communication Skills, Sales Skills. A series of programs, based on business-oriented themes are presented by the students in an hour. This is entirely a student lead program, they prepare the agenda, invitation and fix the chief guest and take up roles for the conduct of the program, under the close monitoring of the chair Learning Academy.

           The learners are divided into ten teams i.e. 6 no. each.  Overall in charge would be the President and Secretary selected by the learners themselves.

          These activities are carried out thrice in a week. i.e. Monday Wednesday and Friday.

           Faculty act as Guest for Evaluation and feedback.


Name of the Program: Outbound Training

Faculty involved:

At JIM, we understand that it is important to move away from traditional classroom methods of teaching and learning, and uncover students minds to an environment which is free from restrictions, an environment which allows their mind to be playful yet exceptionally perceptive and alert, like a childs play. This is what Experiential Learning is all about. In the first year of the course students are given an outbound training for three days in a recognized academy by certified trainers, who augment the desired set of capacity building skills. Honing their physical and mental strength the students unlearn, learn and unleash themselves.


Name of the program: Preparatory Course

Faculty Involved: Dr. Albin Robert Lawrence

The Preparatory / bridge course is conducted before the first semester starts in order to prepare students to meet the requirements of rigorous management education at the Institute. Intensive foundation courses in Basic Mathematics, Accountancy and ICT Skills are given. This course spreads across four days consisting input sessions for students who are new to the concepts. Fundamentals required for Management education is given to bridge the gap between college level of understanding and a B School teaching learning requirement.


Name of the Program: Business Awareness through Newspaper Reading

Faculty Involved: Dr. J. Michael Sammanasu

Every day from 8.40 am 9.00 am before the class begins, students read the Newspaper. First years read The Hindu and the second years read Business Line.

The learning and reflections are done by the students in various forms like

                Discussion on the lead news stories

                MCQs test/ Quiz

                An essay on a news lead

               Speak out on the lead news


Name of the Program: Communication Competency

Faculty Involved: Ms. Sahaya Restina James

This intensive 15-day training course given even before the regular classes commence aims to bridge the gap between college level communication skills and business communication. The training not only focuses on improving the LSRW skills of the first year MBA students but also attempts to develop English language skills required to prepare the learner for the Business Classroom learning environment. This course is designed to help students scale up from fluency to accuracy level. After the LSRW assessment, based on the scores students are divided into three learning groups, L1 L2 L3. Input session include activities and task to enhance the areas that need more attention.


Name of the Program: Budget Analysis

Faculty Involved:

The Union Budget analysis by the students is yet another integrated teaching learning initiative practised at JIM. Students make team presentations on Union Budget every year. They as a team take various sectors and analyse the key features of the prospective impact, the proposed Budget of the financial year, would incur on the different levels of economy, implications and constructive alterations.

External experts from the field of economics, finance and other subject matter experts evaluate the presentations and give their valuable feedback. Best presentations are awarded cash prizes.


Name of the Program: MS Excel Workshop

Faculty Involved:

Twice a week between 4.45 and 5.45 I year MBA students are given hands on experience in Excel to analyse and interpret big data sets. They are trained to potentially convert the raw data sets into charts, graphs in a most comprehensive way.

With these inputs the student equips oneself with the required information technology and analytical skills which lays the foundation to be conversant with the Microsoft office suite.


Name of the Program: Workshop Research - SPSS

Faculty Involved:

As a part of the Research Methodology paper offered in the II semester for the I MBA students, this two-day SPSS workshop is conducted. This workshop introduces the SPSS tool and its implications, to the students and enables them to analyse data sets for their major and mini projects without much difficulty.

External Faculty and experts are invited to share their expertise with the students. JIM faculty coordinate with the students, and carry a follow up with sample exercises, clarifying individual working doubts.


Name of the Program: Market Stint

Faculty Involved:

The course is the market based experiential learning course. Students in groups, will do a

market stint and learn from reality, how products are marketed and distributed in urban and rural

pockets. In the process they will learn the marketing mix as a whole for different brands. They will also learn the gaps between theory and practice. Students work in live market for allotted sessions and experience the market.


Name of the Program: Start Up Mela

Faculty Involved:

An annual feature which invites and encourages new business ideas among students of JIM and other institutions gives business graduates an opportunity to learn and explore the area of entrepreneurship. This platform enables students who come with a workable business plan for an innovative idea to present the proposal before the industry experts and academicians for feedback and suggestions. The ideation is then taken for incubation stage where the potential business idea is further supported with required seed to implement real time. 


Name of the Program: Industry Analysis

Faculty Involved:

Students in team will perform an industry analysis by scanning both the external and internal environments offers a distinctive perspective that highlights the organization's strategic positioning. It allows for a deeper exploration of the alignment between the corporation's internal capabilities, resources, and external opportunities and threats. This insight is critical in corporate strategy as it helps identify areas where the company can create a competitive advantage. Based on the insights gained from the analysis, students can make more specific and tailored strategic recommendations for the corporation. This is especially important in a Global strategy course, as it goes beyond a general industry analysis to provide actionable insights for the specific organization.



Name of the Program: Case Study-Poster Presentation

Faculty Involved:

Poster presentations give the students to distill the most critical information, encouraging a concise and focused approach. This is especially valuable in management courses where decision-makers often need to sift through vast amounts of data to make informed choices. Viewers can approach the poster, ask questions, and engage in discussions with the presenter, promoting a deeper understanding of the case study.


Name of the Program: Article Preparation and Presentation in Conference

Faculty Involved:

The practise of conducting international and national conference at JIM aims not only for the purpose of discussion and synthesis of knowledge but simultaneously encourages our students to take up article preparation, writing and presentation in a common forum. This research interest build in students would bring in them the analytical thinking required for their teaching learning process in whole.

